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July Trans Bhutan Trail Blog

“If you only walk on sunny days you will never reach your destination.”

-Paulo Coelho, Novelist

An appropriate quote for July on the Trans Bhutan Trail (TBT) as monsoon rains fell across Bhutan. Despite wet, muddy and leechy conditions, work on the trail continued on many sections. The team was also out in the field inspecting and supporting community efforts. Most of the trail has now been cleared and is prepared for use. Once the rain subsides, the remaining sections will be tackled so that people can enjoy the full length of the TBT in the coming months.

Welcome Jamyang (center, left) and Tandin (center, right) to the Trans Bhutan Trail team!

On the sunny side our team grew by two in July. Welcome to Jamyang Chokden, TBTs new Marketing Manager, and our new Researcher, Tandin Wangmo! For the time being the marketing focus will be on creating opportunities for domestic trekking along with preparations to welcome international visitors once travel resumes. For research, Tandin faces an epic adventure, capturing the stories of the trail which are embedded in the memory of community elders, hundreds of culturally significant sites and the countless species of flora and fauna along its length.

Reunion with the Desuups who took part in the trail survey expeditions in March.

One of the highlights of the month was a small reunion of some of the members of the March survey expedition. Those who were able to attend received certificates of appreciation for their important contribution to the TBT. These individuals set the groundwork for all that has been accomplished to date. They are trailblazers in the true sense of the word.

In addition to the certificates awarded, the Desuups were also warmly thanked for their contributions on the TBT by the Chief Planning Officer at Desuung:

“I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude with thanks and tashi delek to the 15 Desuups who successfully completed the Trans Bhutan Trail survey expedition and clearing from Haa to Trongsa and Trashigang to Trongsa on foot following the ancestors’ footsteps. They were awarded with certificates of appreciation by Bhutan Canada Foundation in collaboration with Tourism Council of Bhutan. Thank you TBT, Bhutan, TCB and Bhutan Canada Foundation and Desuung Office for the opportunity.”

Tandin Dorji Chief Planning Officer at De-suung – Guardians of Peace and Member of the TBT Steering Committee.

More highlights from July:

The long-standing BCF Canada Day tradition continues with pints in Bumthang.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs (center, right) and the Director General of Tourism Council of Bhutan (center, left) lend a hand to clean up trash along a popular section of trail (before and after shot).
Taking the time to forage for edible ferns.
Survey work continues with Tsogpa (Hongtsho), Land Record Officer. and Dzongkhag Engineer.

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