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Gender in Curriculum

In partnership with the Royal Institute of Management (RIM), BCF worked to increase the capacity of new civil servants to provide gender responsive public services. Funded by the Canadian High Commission in India through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, this project addressed the challenges women face when accessing public services by developing relevant tertiary education curriculum that will increase the capacity of young Bhutanese entering the civil service.


The project promoted gender equality in public services through the design of 4 courses at RIM that provide new civil servants with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, implement and evaluate public services that are responsive to the different needs and circumstances of both women and men.


Project milestones:

  • Research on international best practices on incorporating gender issues into public sector
    training completed. A Roundtable of Bhutanese stakeholders contextualized the international best practices to fit the context of the Bhutanese civil service.
  • One new course on Gender and Governance was developed and 3 existing courses in Economics, Public Administration and Gross National Happiness were revised to incorporate key gender concepts and skills identified in the Roundtable.
  • A launch event held to initiate the delivery of the gender-focused curriculum at RIM.


About the Royal Institute of Management

The Royal Institute of Management (RIM) was established in 1986 and was granted autonomy under the Royal Charter of RIM in 1990. It is mandated to impart, promote and improve professional knowledge and skills in management and public administration in both public and private sectors in Bhutan. It aspires to be a ‘centre of excellence in management education, training and research in the region’ and to ‘develop professionally and socially responsible managers and leaders with holistic values and competencies’. Learn more at