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School Development Program

Outside the classroom, BCF teachers champion school development projects that support the unique needs of their school community. Each year, BCF provides financial support to projects that improve the lives of Bhutanese students, and the surrounding community.

In 2011, the pilot year of the School Development Program, four teachers championed projects to great success. Each year since, BCF has been thrilled to see expanded programs within our teachers’ local communities. We are excited to share with you some of their innovative ideas!

The School Development Programs are currently funded by the EuroCan Foundation, which focuses on conservation issues, particularly as they relate to renewable energies, climate change and sustainability.

Click on the links below to learn more.


School Development Projects

Kanglun PSS School Newspaper


Books to Bhutan, Bartsham MSS




Photography Club Rangjung HSS




Resource Room for Mongar, LSS




Student Newspaper, Kanglung PS




Water Segregation System, Trashiyangtse LSS



library renovations- after renos,library renovation autsho mss (after) 2


Library Renovation, Autsho MSS




School Greening, Phongmey PS




Student Newspaper, Kanglung PS




Music Program, Pakshikha MSS




Waste Management, Tshenkherla MSS





Clean and Green WASH Program, Kanglung PS




Fruit Trees for Phongmey PS




Pakshika Skies, Pakshika MSS




No Trash for Trongsa, PS




Waste Management, Chumey MSS




Waste Management and School Improvement, Tsenkharla T.M.SS




Water Sustainability and Protection, Tashidingkha MSS



chumey mss waste management3


Botanical Garden, Pemagatshel MSS




Clean Today, Cleaner Tomorrow, Waste Management LSS




“Towards a Brighter Tomorrow Environmental Conservation Project” LSS




Grant Gongthung a Greenhouse MSS




Nature Park HSS




Water Filtration System LSS