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Category : Blog

Fostering Responsible Gaming: A Commitment to Community Well-Being

At the Bhutan Canada Foundation, we’ve always believed in the power of education to transform lives. As we transition to Rakuplay Malaysia, we carry forward this belief, focusing on responsible

Building Bridges: From Bhutan to Malaysia with Rakuplay

As we reflect on the longstanding relationship between Canada and Bhutan, it is evident that education and cooperation have played pivotal roles in fostering development and mutual understanding. The Bhutan

The Impact of Digital Transformation on Carbon Footprint: A Bhutan Canada and Rakuplay Perspective

As the world embraces digital transformation, it’s crucial to consider its environmental impact, particularly on carbon footprints. At the Bhutan Canada Foundation, we’ve always prioritized sustainability, recognizing that education and

Democracy beyond election: Raising the voices of vulnerable Bhutanese

Democracy beyond election: Raising the voices of vulnerable Bhutanese There is an urgent need to improve the public social protection system in Bhutan to more effectively reduce inequalities and minimize

Meet Pema Drukpa, Program Manager from the TBT Team!

How did you first get involved with the Trans Bhutan Trail? I was initially working with the Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB) as a programme officer and was assigned as

Go for the Goals! IDW 2022

Celebrating International Development Week: Go for the Goals This week marks Canada’s annual celebration of International Development Week (IDW). It is a week to reflect on and celebrate the contributions

September Blog: A Wrinkle in Time

As a young adult I read Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wrinkle in Time” and just like it did then through my adolescent lens, the title of that story takes on a

A ‘Happiness Approach’ Builds Resilience to Crises

Photo credit: Jeff Bellinger March 20 is the International Day of Happiness. It can be difficult to figure out how to respond to such a day given the global challenges

Moving towards #FeministRecovery this International Women’s Day

Photo credit: Jeff Bellinger March 8 marks International Women’s Day (IWD), a day to empower and celebrate the achievements made by women. It is also a day to advocate and

Building back better: celebrating International Development Week

Photo credit: Ontario Council for International Development’s Tapestry 2030 initiative, illustrated by Amanda Schutz. February 7 – 13, 2021 marks the 31st International Development Week, a time where we highlight and

Tshechus and holidays for resiliency: stories on Ap Gyeltshen and Pelri Pema Choling Monastery

Above photo credit: Sonam Phuntsho. Holidays represent the cultural and spiritual fabric of Bhutan, bringing together a colourful array of family, friends, music, dance, and food. Public holidays, like National

Bhutan’s gender-sensitive COVID-19 response: celebrating Gender Equality Week

Gender Equality Week, this year September 20 – 26, 2020, was first legislated in Canada in 2018 as a result of the Gender Equality Week Act. This week aims to

Staff Spotlight: Kezang Wangmo, Program Manager

Kezang Wangmo has worked at Bhutan Canada Foundation since May 2018. Based in Thimphu, Kezang’s work is instrumental to helping BCF’s programming and initiatives come to life. Keep reading to

Bhutan’s Education in Emergency: reaching for equity in a time of crisis

School closures due to COVID-19 brought unparalleled disruptions to the education sector. Globally over 1.5 billion youth could no longer physically go to school.1 As countries faced outbreaks, almost overnight classrooms

Staff spotlight: Karma Tshering, Field Director

Karma Tshering joined Bhutan Canada Foundation when it first open its doors in 2009. He has an extensive career working in development in Bhutan, which to date spans over 30

Gross National Happiness in Schools | Educating for GNH in Bhutan

This International Day of Happiness (March 20) falls amidst difficult times. Still each day we are reminded of feelings of warmth and happiness. We’re also reminded of Bhutan’s development approach:

Remembering Ambassador James George, 1918-2020

James George, 1918-2020 Bhutan lost one of its greatest friends, and Canada one of its most eminent diplomats, with the death this month of Ambassador Jim George at the age

Event Celebrating International Development Week – Gender Equality Through Disruption

The 30th International Development Week is being celebrated this week, February 2-8, by the Government of Canada, civil society organizations and advocates through events held across Canada. Bhutan Canada Foundation

Official opening of the Special Education Needs Unit: Story from a BCF teacher

Chris is a teacher who volunteered for the Reading Program at Tang Central School. Chris returned to Tang for the second time with her friend Barb to continue to support

Trans Bhutan Trail – End of 2019 Highlights

Last month marked the first official meeting of the Trans Bhutan Trail Steering Committee. Representing a diverse group of stakeholders including government ministries, CSOs, and autonomous groups, the members include:

[VIDEO] Developing a nation through education: interview with Principal Sonam Chhogyel

We had the opportunity to interview Principal Chhogyel from Haa to discuss education in Bhutan. We talked about the role education has had in shaping the nation and his outlook

The Trans-Bhutan Trail: Reinvigorating a cultural treasure

“Life has many twists and turns – similar to trails old and new” The earliest records of the traditional trail linking together what is now the Kingdom of Bhutan, dates

BCF and RIM: Promoting a gender-responsive civil service

Bhutan has made notable strides in promoting an environment to improve gender equality. Yet significant gaps remain, particularly in women’s experience with governance and policy. In response, the Bhutan Canada

From the field: experiences as a volunteer teacher in Bhutan

For many teachers, volunteering in the Reading Program marks their first time visiting Bhutan. For some, it is also their first time teaching internationally. As experienced teachers, they get the

Bhutan and New Zealand: Leading the way on wellbeing

New Zealand made international news recently with its plan to introduce a “wellbeing budget.” Based on the notion that people’s wellbeing rests on much more than just economic growth, New Zealand’s new

Digital media and Gross National Happiness: Where to from here?

March 20 is the International Day of Happiness. It is also the day that the annual World Happiness Report is released. The Report, edited by renowned academics John Helliwell, Richard Layard and Jeffrey

International Women’s Day 2019: CSOs for gender equality and women’s rights

Photo credit: Andrea Williams March 8 is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the achievements of women and acknowledge the ongoing challenges to reach gender equality. The celebration of